
News / Curtain of Opera House

Curtain of Opera House


Dear Emilian,

Berikut adalah update ECO Shop setelah maintenance .


Curtain of Opera House (ECO Lottery)

Periode penjualan: 20 Juni 2020 - 4 Juli 2020.

Kamu bisa menukarkan ECO Lottery Ticket di Item Ticket Exchanger di Acropolis Bridge dan Downtown.

Item dengan status [Dyeable] bisa diubah warnanya melalui NPC Dye Girl di Steamstress House (Uptown).

Kamu bisa mendapatkan salah satu item dibawah ini:


Lucifer Lore (rare)

Dark Theatre (rare)

False Wing of Keel (White)

Tragedy Opera Dress (Blue)

Lucifer Introduction Letter

Comedy Jacket Coat (Black)

Comedy Slacks (Black)

Tragedy Sword

Tragedy Boots Set (Black)

Theatre Opera Glass (Gold)

Spotlight of the Play (Middle)

Chandelier (Gold)

Tragedy Mask (Both Eyes) + EX Event Ticket

Heart Illumination + EX Event Ticket