The Surprise Item BOX is a box containing additional items that include several equipment items and consumable items that you can obtain randomly. When you open the Surprise Item BOX, you are required to choose one from 3 line-ups. The line-up selection is made when opening the BOX.
Each item has a probability, with 1st Grade items having the lowest probability and 5th Grade items having the highest probability. 1st Grade items will change each sales period. Items will be randomly selected from the entire line-up according to the sales period. The probability does not change based on the number of purchases of Surprise BOX.
Sales Period : 8 March - 5 April 2025
Surprise Baby Carriage [rare] Ride Partner. A stroller that is surprisingly tough. It can repair damaged parts by itself. |
Surprise Ribbon [rare] Chest Accessory. |
Card Assembly Essence |
Armor Strengthening Essence |
Potential Enhancement Reset |
Surprise Amulet of Attack |
Surprise Talisman of Iron Fortress |
Surprise Durability Recovery |
Armor Strengthening System |
Iris / Potential Enhancement System |
Convenient Item System |
Armor Strengthening Mystery |
Card Assembly Mystery |
Monster Surprise BOX |
Insurance Book: Reset Prevention |
Slot Extension Mystery |
Help BOX |
Strengthening King BOX |
EX Potential Stone SP BOX |
Plus 300 BOX |
Warp Key E (20 Pieces) |
Revive 4pcs |
Trust Up Plus 1H |
Quest Point Plus (6 Pieces) |
Overflowing BOX |
Surprised Recovery BOX |
Ultimate Vegetable Stick (6 Pieces) |
Card Assembly Essence |
When using [Card Assembly Essence], the success chance for assembling IRIS Cards becomes 100%. Can be used up to R4. |
Armor Strengthening Essence |
When using [Armor Strengthening Essence], the success chance for Reinforcement becomes 100%. Can only be used up to the 15th Reinforcement. |
Potential Enhancement Reset |
When using [Potential Enhancement Reset], the Potential Enhancement on the equipment will be reset. |
Surprise Amulet of Attack |
Can only be used for Partners. MP: +400 SP: +400 Physical attack power: +300 Magic attack power: +300 |
Surprise Talisman of Iron Fortress |
Can only be used for Partners. HP: +2000 |
Surprise Durability Recovery |
When used, the maximum durability and durability of the equipment will be set to maximum. |
Armor Strengthening Mystery |
When used, the success chance of reinforcing armor becomes 100%. Can be used up to the 10th reinforcement. |
Insurance Book: Reset Prevention |
When used, the Potential Enhancement value will not be lost if failing during Reinforcement. Can be used simultaneously with items like Insurance Book: Reinforce, Super Crystal, Armor Strengthening Mystery, Strengthening King Crystal. The Potential Enhancement value on DEM Parts also will not be lost if failing during Reinforcement. |
Strengthening King BOX |
Card Assembly Mystery |
When used, the success chance of assembling IRIS Cards becomes 100%. Can only be used for Rank 1 - Rank 3. |
Slot Extension Mystery |
When used, the success chance of armor slot becomes 100%. Can only be used up to the 5th slot. |
EX Potential Stone SP BOX |
You can choose one of the following items:
Monster Surprise BOX |
When used, 1 BOSS Monster will appear. Cannot be used in towns and safe zones. |
Help BOX |
You can choose one of the following items:
Plus 300 BOX |
You can choose one of the following items:
When using [Experience 300], obtained EXP becomes 300% for 60 minutes. Cannot be combined with other EXP items.
Quest Point Plus (6 Pieces) |
A set consisting of 6 pieces of Quest Point Plus. When used, it will add 3 Quest Points. Quest points cannot exceed 15. |
Warp Key E (20 Pieces) |
Teleportation item. Can be used to move to specific locations (Key Contract). |
Trust Up Plus 1H |
When used, it will add 10 Trust Points when defeating monsters. Effect lasts for 60 minutes. |
Revive |
When used, it will revive the character with full HP. Consumes 1 revive set each time it is used. |
Overflowing BOX |
You can choose one of the following items: Overflow Physical (3pc) x 5 Overflow Magical (3pc) x 5 Overflow Energy (3pc) x 5 |
Surprised Recovery BOX |
You can choose one of the following items: